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 Cooking pasta with red sauce, an easy and quick recipe @badeeh22

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المساهمات : 130
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/08/2021

Cooking pasta with red sauce, an easy and quick recipe @badeeh22 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Cooking pasta with red sauce, an easy and quick recipe @badeeh22   Cooking pasta with red sauce, an easy and quick recipe @badeeh22 Emptyالأربعاء يناير 03, 2024 9:09 am

Learn how to cook pasta with red sauce, with an addition that makes it taste beyond description with a terrible taste. Don’t miss it, girls, an easy and quick recipe.

Preparing pasta or spaghetti with red sauce in an easy and quick way
An ideal dish from the Recipes Kitchen, I wish I could care about you...a light meal with low calories so you can enjoy a filling and delicious meal as well.

You must try it! A delicious all-in-one pasta recipe
You must try it! A delicious and complete pasta recipe!

the components:

Vegetable oil
Carrots (250 grams)
Bell pepper (150 grams)
Broccoli, fresh or frozen (340 grams)
Salt and black pepper
Chicken breast (500 grams),
Cut into small pieces
(1 tablespoon or 15 g) tomato paste (45 g)
Onion powder (teaspoon)
Oregano (teaspoon)
Parsley (teaspoon)
Paprika (teaspoon)
Tomato paste (1 can or 450 grams)
Hot water (two cups)
Salt (a tablespoon) for boiling the pasta
Pasta (one packet)
Parmesan cheese (optional, for garnish)


In a bowl or pan, add a little vegetable oil. Add carrots, sweet peppers, broccoli, salt and black pepper. Fry for 10 minutes. Put it aside.

Add more vegetable oil to the pan. Add chicken, garlic, tomato paste, onion powder, oregano, parsley, paprika, salt, and black pepper. Add tomato paste. On medium heat for 5 minutes.

Add two cups of hot water. Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.

Boil pasta in hot water with a tablespoon of salt over medium heat for 12 minutes.

Mix stir-fried vegetables with chicken sauce. Add cooked pasta. Mix well.

Optional: Garnish with Parmesan cheese.

Enjoy this delicious chicken and vegetable pasta!

#pasta #pasta_with_sauce
#the pasta
#pasta #pasta




#spaghetti pasta,

Red pasta with an awesome topping

We saute the onions until they become soft, adding a stock cube

Tbsp tomato paste and roast

Add chicken breasts or boneless pieces, stir, then add a tomato

Finely chopped

Add 2 tablespoons ketchup

Bardem pepper and half a French sauce

Sumatra chili as desired

Head of garlic and hot pepper

(Salt, black pepper, special or mixed spices, turmeric and paprika)

Spices of lemon, cardamom and cinnamon

Add water

When it boils, add the spaghetti, cover it, and let it cook nicely

There is liquid in it

Red pasta with an awesome topping

We saute the onions until they become soft, adding a stock cube

Tbsp tomato paste and roast

Add chicken breasts or boneless pieces, stir, then add a tomato

Finely chopped

Add 2 tablespoons ketchup

Bardem pepper and half a French sauce

Sumatra chili as desired

Head of garlic and hot pepper

(Salt, black pepper, special or mixed spices, turmeric and paprika)

Spices of lemon, cardamom and cinnamon

Add water

When it boils, add the spaghetti, cover it, and let it cook nicely

There is liquid in it

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Cooking pasta with red sauce, an easy and quick recipe @badeeh22
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