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 How to make pasta with chicken is easy and delicious

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المساهمات : 130
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/08/2021

How to make pasta with chicken is easy and delicious Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: How to make pasta with chicken is easy and delicious   How to make pasta with chicken is easy and delicious Emptyالخميس نوفمبر 09, 2023 4:40 pm

How to make pasta with chicken is easy and delicious
Spaghetti with bechamel mixture is easy and delicious 🍝
Pasta, #bechamel_pasta, #pasta_, bechamel pasta the original way, pasta my way, pasta with bechamel the right way

#pasta_with_bechamel #pasta_bechamel
#spaghetti #pasta #pasta
#chickentetrazzini, #chickenspaghettiwithbechamel, #chickenpasta, #suhasdishes, #lebanesecuisine, #instafood, #bechamelsauce

We need chicken mixture
Finely chopped onion
2 chicken breasts or 3, cut into small pieces once. Half a red bell pepper, chopped very fine. Half a green bell pepper, chopped very fine.
Finely chopped tomato
Two crushed garlic cloves

Sauté the onions, add the chicken and garlic, then the spices and a Maggi cube, then add Italian seasoning - chicken spices (from a combination)
Some turmeric, black pepper, garlic powder, dried parsley, coriander (powder), salt, and some water until cooked.

(I m boiling spaghetti)
(I used a can), I drained it, put the chicken mixture on it, then the bechamel and mozzarella mixture, and then serve

Bechamel mixture

2 envelopes of bechamel
6 kg of milk on the fire until it thickens with continuous stirring

May God bless you

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#cooking recipes

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How to make pasta with chicken is easy and delicious
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