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 The best recipe for an egg omelette with cheese is a healthy and light meal #recipe #cooking #cooking #snack #tested_recipe

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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المساهمات : 130
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/08/2021

The best recipe for an egg omelette with cheese is a healthy and light meal #recipe #cooking #cooking #snack #tested_recipe Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The best recipe for an egg omelette with cheese is a healthy and light meal #recipe #cooking #cooking #snack #tested_recipe   The best recipe for an egg omelette with cheese is a healthy and light meal #recipe #cooking #cooking #snack #tested_recipe Emptyالأحد يوليو 23, 2023 5:42 pm

The best recipe for an egg omelette with cheese is a healthy and light meal #recipe #cooking #cooking #snack #tested_recipe

Here s how to make an egg omelette with cheese, you can prepare it as a delicious breakfast with very simple ingredients and it s quick and easy to prepare.

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Quantity: 2 persons | People

Ingredients for an egg omelette with cheese

4 eggs

2 tablespoons of butter

1 tablespoon of liquid milk

A quarter cup of grated Gouda cheese

Salt, to taste

Black pepper to taste

Pinch of oregano (to taste)

How to make an egg omelette with cheese

1. Beat eggs with milk, salt, black pepper and oregano well in a bowl until combined.

2. Heat the pan over medium heat and melt the butter.

3. Pour the egg mixture completely into the pan. Move the pan in all directions until the eggs are cooked. Just before it s done, sprinkle grated cheese over the omelette and stir

The best recipe for an egg omelette with cheese is a healthy and light meal
#omelet_egg_with_cheese #omelet #omelet #egg_omelet

God bless you

الله يَـسِلُـمڪ


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The best recipe for an egg omelette with cheese is a healthy and light meal #recipe #cooking #cooking #snack #tested_recipe
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