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 Crispy fried onions @badeeh22

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 130
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/08/2021

Crispy fried onions @badeeh22 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Crispy fried onions @badeeh22   Crispy fried onions @badeeh22 Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 10, 2023 7:06 pm

Crispy onions in just a few minutes, Indian style, for all recipes that need crispy onions
Onion Koshna over Rice How to make Onion Koshna over Rice with pictures from the Recipes Kitchen, I wish I could care about you

How to make crispy fried onions
Kishna recipe for rice “with a sweet and easy technique for decorating kabsa, white rice, and biryani

How to make rice decoration recipe in Arabic

Ingredients, amounts, and method of making and preparing onion kosha over rice:

At first they used

“Yellow onions” are the ones that taste bitter because they have a sweet flavour.

Cut the onion into slices

Then I add it with tawa

I sprinkle a very small amount of salt on it

Without any liquid or oil

I move it softly and it starts to look like brown in the same way

I have a cup of plain, lukewarm water

Every time I see this color, I say, “Little, little.”

Stir until the onion becomes uniform in colour

It becomes a light caramel color

Then add the oil

A sweet amount, neither too much nor too little

I used “olive oil”

Then if it starts to turn red

Add turmeric + black and red pepper

Or we can add fattening

Eat alone and taste with spices

And the last thing

If he takes the color we want

Add a piece of butter

And we put out the fire

And leave the kashna aside

Then add it to the top of the rice in the pot if the water level drops

Kashna is delicious and works for all types of rice

Whether white, kabsa or biryani, it tastes terrible

Good luck and well-being

Health and wellness ♥


#The _ correct _ way _ of _ fried _ onions _ to _ crunchy
#Crispy_Onions #Onions


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Crispy fried onions @badeeh22
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