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 Tuna Kabsa, my way, tastes amazing. Don t miss it @badeeh22

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 130
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/08/2021

Tuna Kabsa, my way, tastes amazing.  Don t miss it @badeeh22 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Tuna Kabsa, my way, tastes amazing. Don t miss it @badeeh22   Tuna Kabsa, my way, tastes amazing.  Don t miss it @badeeh22 Emptyالإثنين نوفمبر 13, 2023 6:18 pm

Tuna Kabsa, my way, tastes amazing. Don't miss it
Tuna rice is an economical family meal that is easy and quick to prepare

#Press it
A cup of rice is equal to one and a half cups of the standard measuring cups you know
Tuna can
Medium onion
A quarter of a cold pepper
A tablespoon of sauce
Garlic and ginger paste
Black pepper and salt
Saffron yolk
green coriander
Green mint, one or two tablespoons
Dill, a spoonful of food
A green onion without the paper
Charcoal for steaming
Tuna rice is an economical family meal that is easy and quick to prepare
#Kabsa #Tuna_Kabsa #Tuna_Rice
#rice #tuna #rice_with_tuna
#Rice with tuna
#Recipes, #fast_food, #desserts, #healthy_eating, #easy_cooking, #vegetarian_meals, #home_bread, #Arabic_delicious, #Middle_Eastern_kitchen, #international_cooking, #eggs, #meat, #chicken, #vegetables, #spices, #fruit, #sauce , #rice, #pasta, #easy_recipes, #beginner_recipes, #difficult_recipes, #cooking_challenges, #vegetarian_recipes, #gluten_free_recipes, #vitari_recipes, #low_cal_recipes, #sugar_free_recipes, #Arabic_cooking, #Moroccan_cooking, #Italian_cooking, #Indian_cooking, #Chinese_cooking
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Tuna Kabsa, my way, tastes amazing. Don t miss it @badeeh22
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